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Selling A Business


Top 5 Things to Consider When Selling Your Business

Andy Riethmaier, May 9 2024

In this article, we are to talk to you about five things to consider when selling a business from an operator's perspective. I have spent almost my entire career as an operator owner of businesses, buying and selling those businesses. So, by nature, I look at things from an operator's

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Everything You Need to Know About Buying or Selling a Franchise

Lane Auth, May 2 2024

Buying or Selling a Franchise In this article, we're going to talk about franchise businesses and a few things to consider if you're in the market for buying or selling a franchise business. Why Franchises Can be Good for You Franchises can be great businesses, especially for first-time business owners in the market to find an established...

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Understanding Multiples in Merger & Acquisition Deals

Lane Auth, February 19 2024

In the world of mergers and acquisitions, the term "multiple" is frequently used to determine the value of a company. It is a key factor that influences the pricing and valuation of a business during an M&A transaction. What is a Multiple? A multiple, in the context of M&A, is a financial metric that compares some aspect of a company's financial...

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The Importance of an Accurate Business Valuation

Lane Auth, January 23 2024

Understanding the value of your business is crucial, especially when considering selling it. An accurate business valuation is not just a number; it’s a statement of your business’s worth that can influence potential buyers’ perceptions and decision-making. The Role of an M&A

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mergers & acquisitions

10 Key Strategies to Maximize Value in Your M&A Transaction

Chase Piotrowski, January 10 2024

Welcome to the world of intricate financial strategies where the ultimate goal is to maximize the return on every venture. Navigating the complex waters of Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) can be daunting, but with Black Diamond Capital Advisory Firm's battle-tested strategies, you can achieve a level of success that sets new industry standards. In...

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Business Preparation

How to WOW Buyers, Lenders and Landlords

Christian Baldwin, August 8 2023

Hey everyone, my name is Christian Baldwin, and I am with Black Diamond Mergers and Acquisitions. I hope you're doing great today! I want to talk about a topic that's geared toward business owners, and it is regarding getting your business in top shape for organizational

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