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Buying A Business


Everything You Need to Know About Buying or Selling a Franchise

Lane Auth, May 2 2024

Buying or Selling a Franchise In this article, we're going to talk about franchise businesses and a few things to consider if you're in the market for buying or selling a franchise business. Why Franchises Can be Good for You Franchises can be great businesses, especially for first-time business owners in the market to find an established...

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What You Should Consider When Structuring an Offer to Acquire a Business

Chase Piotrowski, April 10 2024

Acquiring a business is a significant decision that requires careful consideration and strategic planning. Here are the top five things to consider when structuring an offer to acquire a business: 1. Valuation The first step in structuring an offer is to determine the value of the business. This can be done through various methods such...

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Everything You Need to Know About Debt Service Coverage Ratios

Lane Auth, March 27 2024

Let's discuss one of the most important pieces of buying a business. You have to know you can cover debt service and make money when purchasing a business. Using debt service ratios is the best way to decide whether or not to go through with the acquisition. What you need to know first about

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Why Do I Need to Sign an NDA?

Chase Piotrowski, February 27 2024

During the M&A process, when a seller is looking to put their business up for sale, they are concerned with confidentiality. The vast majority of M&A deals involve privately held businesses, which means they are not required to publish detailed financial information that the public can see, as publicly traded companies

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The Importance of Due Diligence in a Business Acquisition

Chase Piotrowski, February 1 2024

When it comes to buying a business, one of the most critical steps in the process is due diligence. This is the comprehensive appraisal of a business undertaken by a prospective buyer, especially to establish its assets and liabilities and evaluate its commercial potential. The Role of Due

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